Dogs: Concept Art 1

Even though I’m not planning to illustrate my story about dogs, I got some friendly advice to draw out some of the ideas I had to help me get work through writer’s block.

I’m not going to lie, even though I’m usually happy with the output, I don’t always love drawing. When I get an idea, I just want it to explode out of me all at once and be done. But the reality is, I can’t get what’s in my mind out to share with the world unless I work at it. So here it is! A piece of concept art :O)

A Story About Dogs

I love dogs.

The idea of writing a story about dogs came up on a ride home from work. I thought about the history of humans on Earth and how we got here. It is pretty amazing to think about how human evolution came to a fork in the road and took a turn to for us to become intelligent beings. I wondered how the Earth would be if humans did not rule it. With that idea, I started to write a post apocalyptic sci-fi story about dogs in the Notes app on my phone during my work commute on BART.

Now that I’ve gotten further into the story, my plan is to complete it as a short novel to share with the world! I’ll update my progress here of my journey to publication. I hope to see you on the other side!